Southend Indivisible builds progressive power in South King County locally and nationally, organizes volunteer opportunities and trainings to support and empower people and communities targeted by the un-American policies of the Trump administration, and plans direct action to fight for freedom, democracy, and a more progressive future. 

Patriots join us from Burien, Tukwila, SeaTac, South Seattle, Renton, Kent, White Center, Bryn Mawr-Skyway, Des Moines, Normandy Park, Federal Way, Auburn, Enumclaw, Covington, and other South King communities, however ALL are welcome from ANY community!

Monthly meetings

Southend Indivisible (SEI) began in the living room of a small brick house in Tukwila in the wake of the election and has surged into a juggernaut in the months since, officially kicking off in January 2025. The chapter usually meets monthly on third Sundays of the month from 3-5 pm, unless it lands on a holiday weekend, in which case it will typically be on the Sunday before or after. 

SEI meets in spaces across South King accommodating 120+ people with set agendas that 1) build community, 2) plan direct action, 3) highlight opportunities for volunteering and advocacy, 4) lifts up the impactful work of our broad coalition of partners, and 5) celebrates accomplishments, as we build and fortify progressive power across all south end communities. We also have food and a whole lot of fun!

RSVP for our events to help us plan and to secure your spot in these often packed meetings. And help us spread the word as we continue to grow as a chapter, organize South King into a force to be reckoned with, and build locally and nationally towards a more progressive future!

Local Opportunities (We will continue to aDd Many!)

Volunteer with the Riverton Park UMC to support hundreds of asylum seekers 

Volunteer to support advocacy, direct service, and community-buiilding work for gender diverse communities.  
